Macbeth's Review
Macbeth´s Review
Have you ever been to
see a play after reading the novel? Well, last week we went with my classmates
to the theater Metropolitan Sura in Buenos Aires to see the Shakespeare tragedy
´Macbeth´ directed by James Murray and produced by Gabriel Garcia. The play
runs for 80 minutes and the main actors are Mariano Calligaris who interpreted
Macbeth, and Melanie Lenoir interpreting Lady Macbeth. We can see that the play
perform was completely different about the book. The changes between the play
and the novel are very remarkable; this generated some confusion at the setting
and costumes. However the play was very entertaining and interesting.
Focusing on the play,
it is more modern and shorter than the novel. In the play the actors used guns,
bulletproof vest, cameras and also there was a telephone. This really draws my
attention because the novel it takes place in a medieval time, in which only
swords and daggers were used. Furthermore, in the play some scenes of the novel
were taken out by this problem that both have different settings. Despite this,
the actors were very good and they handled themselves very well with English
since some of them were British decedents.
I recommend you to
going to see the play because even though I did not like some things of the
play, the actors are very good and they make the play more interesting. Also I
recommend reading the novel before going to the theater to understand the play
better and be able to compare it.
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